Saturday 20 April 2013

Protest against Leonard Stanley homes plans

Protest against Leonard Stanley homes plans

Friday, April 19, 2013

DEMONSTRATORS collected 300 names on their protest petition in only a day as they picketed an exhibition of plans for new housing in Stroud.Waving campaign placards, the supporters of the Mankley Field Action Group left speculators Gladman in no doubt about their opposition to 150 homes at Leonard Stanley.

Gladman exhibited its ideas for green fields at Leonard Stanley Village Hall on Wednesday.

But so many people turned up that halfway through, Gladman ran out of consultation forms for them to fill in, said resident Susan Davies.

"I think they realised what they are up against," said Mrs Davies, a member of the action group and of Leonard Stanley Parish Council.

Gladman's suggested scheme is for an estate between the top of Marsh Lane in Leonard Stanley and Bath Road in neighbouring King's Stanley.
But the extra traffic would cause gridlock on narrow access lanes and would also link the two separate villages into one urban style sprawl, Mrs Davies said.
She added: "I think it is a bit of a con because the photos showed little houses and green spaces among trees. But they are going for only outline planning permission, which means they pass it on to a developer who could do what they liked.
"I don't think anybody was taken in.
"We are battling on.
Gladman spokesman Martin Twigg said: "We were pleased with the level of interest shown at the exhibition.
"We understand that people have particular concerns about it. In terms of outline, it is perfectly conventional. The details are controlled by the local planning authority. There is absolutely no reason why the first planning permission cannot lead to a high quality residential development of the type we propose."
A public meeting has been called by Leonard Stanley Parish Council at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday evening to discuss the proposed new estate.
Council chairman Graham Davies said: "This is one of the most important things to hit the village for a long time.
"We haven't discussed it as an agenda item.
"We want to hear what people think first and we will then represent their views about it."


  1. why, when the development is at Bath Road, is a photograph used of the opposite end of the village???

  2. Sourced from information given by the BBC website, have no control on what the BBC upload as their main image - thanks

  3. Please comment in correct post
